#23: Extended Community: Makerspace Edition
We often say that the community is what makes Innkeeping as rewarding as it is. However, we need to remember to look into out extended community and learn to use the resources that may very well be available to each of us – look, we can’t all be Bytes, but with some help, we can get pretty close!
A Makerspace is a place in which people with shared interests, especially in computing, technology, woodworking, and other machinery can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge.
Ideas to make (All Prices in US$)
- Embroidered Hats – $2 each on Amazon
- Logo Etched glassware – $1 each at Dollar Tree
- Laser Etched Wood – logo, welcome sign, coins/tokens, etc
- Laser Etched Keychains – $8 12×12 sheet of neon acrylic
- 3D Printed stuff – varies based on complexity, size, etc
- LED Signage –
- T-shirts – screen printed with whatever you want – ~$30 for the screen, then under $2 a shirt.
- Large Format Printing – signs, banners, etc. (varies)
The beautiful thing is that once you’re in a Makerspace, ideas flow naturally from people around you. Things you hadn’t even THOUGHT of will pop up.

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